Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Across India

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On 15th August 2022, all over India, citizens came together to celebrate 75 years of Indian independence. There was a special movement to hoist the tricolour flag and celebrate from our homes with the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ programme. Amidst much fanfare and joy, Chyks too celebrated Independence in unique ways. Here’s a glimpse of two such accounts:

Uttishtha Bharata Camp

By V. Poorvaja, Chyk

‘When I Transform, India Transforms’. 

The Andhra Pradesh and Telangana state youth camp, ‘Utthishtha Bharata’ was organised at Kadappa, AP, to foster the idea of brotherhood and unity. It was a call for youth to wake up to Bharat.

What could have been better than 450+ participants from various centres across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana coming together with enthusiasm throughout the games and activities. Each day commenced with a special speaker – Smt. KGV Saritaji, Swami Mitrananda, Swami Chidrupananda and Major General N. Srinivasa Rao – at the divine venue of Sri Lalita Panchayatana Temple, Chinmaya Mission, Kadapa. The campers left inspired and empowered in just a span of three days from 13-15 August. Oh! How could we ever forget the fun and interactive sessions with all the mentors, which included interesting games and icebreaker sessions that brought out the best in each of the participants! 

The dynamism of the youngsters reached its peak on Independence Day. With adrenaline rush, this set of youngsters expressed their love for Bharat by dancing to energising tunes, singing their hearts out, and shouting patriotic slogans at the top of their voices. The campers came together, and walked together with a 100m national flag for two kilometres!

We are sure that each of the participants and organisers carried back unforgettable memories, inspiring lessons, and a strong yearning to contribute to the nation as they left the venue.

Conceptualised and executed by Chinmaya Yuva Kendra, Kadapa, under the guidance of Swami Turiyananda, Swami Chidrupananda, Swami Mitrananda, Swami Anukoolananda, Swami Suveerananda, Swami Raghuveerananda, Br. Anand Chaitanya, Brni. Usha Chaitanya, Br. Narayana Chaitanya and Br. Srivatsa Chaitanya, this camp was indeed a huge success!

Independence Day Rally at Tarangini

By J. Badrinarayan, Chyk Chennai

The 75th Independence Day was celebrated in the most memorable way at Chinmaya Mission, Chennai.

At 6 am the National Flag was hoisted at CHC by Swami Mitrananda, followed by the singing of the National Anthem by the members of Chinmaya Mission, Chennai. Then 25 two-wheelers and five cars rallied all the way from Chinmaya Heritage Center (CHC),Chetpet, to Chinmaya Tarangini, the abode of Lord Matsyanarayana, at Uthandi. Each rider decked in orange, each vehicle bearing the National Flag, motored 27kms at a steady pace, towards Lord Matsyanarayana, the giver of eternal freedom!

Riders reached Tarangini within an hour to be welcomed by temple devotees, Mission members and a majestic Matsyanarayana, who was so beautifully decorated in the tricolour! The open air temple was decked with 108 flags, one on each of the pillars there.

The National Flag was hoisted at Tarangini, the National Anthem was sung and sweets were distributed. By now each member was super excited for what was coming up next.

Meanwhile, 40 boats, over a 100 friendly fishermen were ready to ferry each member, into the sea, for another memorable flag hoisting, in the waters.

The boat ride thrilled a few, reminded a few of the samsara sagara (bondage we carry in our life), scared a few and brought streams of joy for others, who ended merrily singing patriotic songs all the way into the sea. The boats were beautifully arranged for a spectacular aerial view and the Indian National Flag was hoisted in the central boat by Swami Mitrananda amidst a heartful rendition of the National Anthem by the surrounding members on other boats. It felt as if the waters also joined them in the recital, as the waves swayed to the tune of jana gana mana!

After getting back to Tarangini, everyone watched The Legend of Bhagat Singh followed by a reflective session on "75 years of independence and the way forward for Bharat". With body, mind and thoughts energised and reliving every aspect of true independence, it was time for a soulful musical treat by Chinmaya Swaranjali themed ‘Patriotic Beats‘! The fusion music performance drew from patriotic songs in Hindi and Tamil, from poets and films cutting across generations, a beautiful reflection of everything the country is.

After the blissful evening, each devotee headed back home reminiscing about the events of the day. Pure bliss was visible on all faces. Be it the bike ride or boat ride or the movie or the musical performance, every moment reminded them of our blissful Bharat and our responsibility to uphold its glory!

Chinmaya Udghosh