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Web 3.0

Pankaj Lohia

With the advent of the world wide web, Web 1.0 allowed us to create static web pages and links. More than a decade later in 2004, "Web 2.0" was coined, which allowed us to create internet applications that we see today, such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. It allowed users to create, share and collaborate their work with others. This allowed enterprises to take advantage of the capabilities of Web 2.0 and provide solutions to their customers that they had never experienced before, for example e-commerce or SaaS-based applications.

While Web 1.0 simply delivered content via the internet and Web 2.0 gave us speed and collaboration, Web 3.0, or the semantic web, is now changing the way we use the internet by delivering efficiency and personalized content. It is a more connected and intelligent technology trend that allows us to be always connected and use the power of AI, ML, data mining and natural language processing.

The future of web, Web 4.0, or the symbiotic web, is based on the interaction between man and machine. With Web 4.0 still in its infancy, its complete integration may take a while before we can harness its full power.

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